Bavliinternational News

Organic Dental Filling

In the past, amalgam fillings containing high levels of mercury, that is, metal fillings were used. In developing technology and modern dentistry, amalgam fillings have now left their place to composite, that is, white fillings. The biggest advantage of composite filling over amalgam filling is that it can be applied in the technique of not removing healthy tissue from the tooth. Another advantage is that the color is aesthetic and that each individual can be selected according to the color of their teeth. 

Composite fillings are light-cured, they are not expected to harden spontaneously like amalgam fillings. When composite fillings were started in dentistry, self-hardening composite fillings were used at first and color options were limited. Today, light-cured composite fillings accelerate this process and constitute the most widely used dental filling types with a rich color option.

Today, tooth-colored composite fillings have replaced amalgam fillings containing mercury and silver. However, the contents of composite fillings leave question marks in mind. Although the physical and chemical properties of composite fillings have been improved from the past to the present, it has been observed that there are concerns about their contents. Unfortunately, the perfect material has not been found in dentistry, but scientific experiments, publications, literature, and studies that are always made on existing materials are aimed at finding the material close to perfection. 

With amalgam or silver fillings, toxic mercury can continue to seep into your mouth for the rest of your life every time you chew or bite something. They also release mercury vapors in your mouth when you increase the temperature of the filling, such as when drinking a hot beverage. Mercury fillings are linked to chronic diseases and health conditions that can make daily functioning difficult. In this case, removing your mercury fillings is your best option to reduce your continued exposure to the toxic substance. We use the SMART technique to safely remove mercury fillings without putting patients and staff at risk of exposure. In the case of monomer-containing composite fillings, exposure usually occurs when the material is placed, and the rate of monomer leaching over time is not as high as in amalgam fillings. For this reason, it can be replaced with organic dental fillings according to preference. If it is not preferred to be replaced, the use of organic dental fillings may be preferred in future treatments.

Does Organic Tooth Filling Fall Off?

If steps are not skipped in the procedures, if sufficient isolation and cavity conditions are provided, there will be no problems. It is long-lasting due to its high biocompatibility. Its strength is at least as much as tooth tissues, and the probability of fracture is low.

How long does it take and what is its permanence?

In the clinic, it is done in a single session with an appointment of approximately 1/2 hour.

Considering the usage warnings given by our doctors, it can be used for 3/5 years very easily.

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