It includes the treatment of gum problems such as gum disease (gingivitis), and advanced gum disease (periodontist). Gum diseases are usually insidious diseases. Bleeding in the gums is the most important symptom of these diseases. For this reason, bleeding gums should be considered and a specialist dentist should be consulted without wasting time. Gingivitis; It represents the group of gingival diseases that occur when oral hygiene is not adequately provided. It is an inflammatory disease whose effect is limited at the gingival level.
The most important cause of gum disease is the sticky and colorless film layer called “bacterial dental plaque” that accumulates on the teeth. However, it is known that not only the bacterial plaque has a primary effect on the formation of gingivitis, but also the use of certain drugs (nifedipine, phenytoin, cyclosporin A, etc.), the use of some hormonal imbalances such as pregnancy, puberty or menopause periods. It is possible to heal with the cleaning of the tooth surface applied and the continuous controls to be made every 6 months. However, of course, the most important factor in recovery is personal oral care that the patient applies correctly and regularly. When all these factors are fulfilled, gingivitis will easily heal, never to occur again.
Periodontitis; Unlike gingivitis, it is an inflammatory disease that destroys the root surface of the tooth, the bone surrounding the tooth root, and the connective tissue between these two tissues. A periodontal pocket forms between the tooth and the gingiva. In a sense, it can be compared to the advanced form of untreated gingivitis. Although periodontitis is a chronic disease, its rate of progression can sometimes increase. Usually, when it reaches the dimensions that disturb the patient, the disease has existed for a long time and unfortunately caused advanced destruction. If the disease is at an advanced level, abscess formation can be seen in the gingiva. Patients usually think that this is an inflammatory condition originating from the tooth and apply to the dentist with pain.
Chronic Periodontitis is seen in 85% of society at various levels and generally over the age of 35. It develops as a result of untreated gingivitis caused by bacterial plaque and tartar formations. The diagnosis of chronic periodontitis can be made as a result of clinical examination and radiographic examination Unlike chronic periodontitis, Aggressive Periodontitis progresses faster and independently of the local effect of the bacterial plaque, affecting the patient in adolescence and young adulthood and even the pre-adolescent period. The most important thing is that it can progress to such an extent that it causes tooth loss at a very early age.
Is there a connection between gum disease and heart disease?
Periodontal disease (gum disease) is an inflammatory disease. Heart disease is also an inflammatory disease. It is suspected that ‘inflammation’ may be the foundation behind their relationship. If left untreated periodontal disease can increase inflammation in the body – increasing inflammation within your cardiovascular system.
Can my general dentist treat my periodontal disease?
Periodontists have extensive knowledge and experience with periodontal (gum) disease and are experts in treating the disease. For optimal results it is best to use a collaboration between your periodontist and your general dentist. This approach will ensure you are receiving the expert knowledge and treatment from the periodontist as your general dentist gives advice pertaining to your medical and dental history.